A wee note before the airplane ride

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I’m flying to England in 3 hours!
I am packed but I have some cookies in the fridge that I shouldn’t forget
It’s summer in Halifax and I have been swimming a bunch of times, in my favorite lake which is called Long Lake.
I have so much to say…

But I have to call a cab!
Last minute-ness
I am chasing my life around a lot lately. Well, I have been, but that’s changing, I feel a shift, a slowing down. For instance, i’ve been writing more these days
And for that I feel relieved
more peace

I found me a motorbike, it is black and pretty
I will own it in one week

First, though, a trip over the ocean
i land in London tomorrow morning for two days off
I am going to eat cadbury chocolate bars and walkandwalkandwalk
And hopefully go dancing
and see music that is amazing
and maybe even free

Then on Monday I take a train to Wales to showcase at a conference that is for presenters from rural UK
in hopes that they will like what I do and want to book me
So then I will go back across the ocean in the future!

Ok, really, I am full of words to share but the cab, I have to call one

I am excited to talk about my new book. It’s out!
You can find it at chapters stores (indigo) in Canada. Request it if it’s not there
Or you can find it at chapters online or amazon, too

I will post more soon
You should see how fast I am typing this
I went dancing at a party last night that smelled of bodies shaking and summer
There was bumping and grinding that felt safe and sexy and full of gold

Love, there’s so much of it,





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