I have been hibernating. Like always.
Well, I did leave the house recently to watch a bunch of shows at Halifax’s In the Dead of Winter Music Festival. What a hoot that was. I stayed out late 3 nights in a row! And was inspired by music and musicians. Thank you, music, for reminding me that you’re amazing.
This winter I’m staying in Halifax until the snow melts and the crocii come back. I’m working on a book (slowly, surely), teaching myself the drums, writing poems for music, and being Artist in Residence at Dalhousie Medical School through their Humanities Program:
I’m going to be writing and musing about how medicine and art intersect, how the humanities serve doctors and patients and everyone in between. I’m also hoping to have lots of great conversations and some creative collaborations with medical students during my time there (yes, I realize they are very busy studying to be doctors…). I’m excited to see what comes out of it. I’m certainly a process oriented artist, rather heady and existential, trodding slowly towards production and dissemination, like the slowest turtle. I’m curious to see what happens and I’ll keep you posted!
If you happen to be a medical student or resident or are otherwise interested or involved, please do get in touch! We can talk about anything and everything. I have lots of thoughts and, as always, never-ending questions.
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