Kingdom of Reasons

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I will drink red wine
like blood
with the poets
twinkling upon pianos
and tinkling on snow
it’s going to be ravenous and bold
smut is made up of all sorts of moments

the staff are going home
it’s the weekend jesus died
churches are full
priests banking on a reprise
preachers holding breath
nuns diverting eyes
people in the pews daydreaming about sex and death
like any other night

and outside
we light small fires
hope for wildlife
to saunter by

on nature’s kneeler I pray for dignity when I die
like a fight with an animal stronger, more gracious than I

Tonight, the full moon will shine
there’s been courtesies to hide behind
but my grip weakens
so then, heathens
here are my desires:

take me outside
chain me, hard, but kind
make me drunk on lust and wine
on plants, on love, on squandered time

I pine, just like these trees
reach my limbs to touch the seas
put me down upon my knees
where jesus can scold me with a swath of palm leaves

turn me new
then turn me over
the older I grow my urges get bolder
and I get closer to small things I hoped for
so, when I told her I would hold her
with my actual strength
I meant it
and I am no small woman

her defences are up
but her chin is quivering
and when she erupts
it’s my tongue swimming
her musk delivers me
and I must make her see
nothing but this for a minute
and I can
and I do

and my chest is broad enough
to pin her while I move
upon her thighs I find my groove
I find my groove a place to ride
so that I, too,
can come from the inside and howl to the moon

tonight, in the mountains I’m howling for you
you wild cat creeping powerful and smooth
just out of my view
you blood wine and poets
you trees and mythic jesus
come closer
come over
I’m down on my knees
there’s a kingdom of reasons.




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