You make impression upon me
I am soft ground
you tread firm, lightly
I am fern, you are heavy drop rain
stay on me
while moon gives homily
translates nature in one long silence
explains beyond language the teachings of godliness
words are for humans
moon sheds light on all of this
and us.
You are riveting dream I try not to interpret
except I am searcher
and you are pharos throwing light to gesture
come over, come closer
(that’s what I gather
’cause it’s what I hope for).
You gleam like moonbeams over the city
not for me only, of course
I drift, unsure but on course
your prints are on my inside body,
shining discourse I am beholden to.
I am bowing, boldly
you roll over me, softly
making impression upon me
while simply shining from your perch up in the sky.
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