There is always something gorgeous

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Some weeks are more about doing poetry than writing it.
Having it? LIving it? Sponging it up and sitting in it?

I am having one of those weeks.
Though I did move ahead at least 2 stanzas on 2 different poems I am trying to finish for upcoming performances. And I’ve been reading my new Billy Collins book…

Productivity is a farce. Still, I strive for it anyway.
And so, accomplished this week (thus far…):

Serious brainstorm time into what to wear to this weekend’s TEXTURE themed dance party and what sort of touches I will garner while in my chosen texture
A cabin booked for February’s west coast writing retreat weekend (well, actually, i totally didn’t do that, my friend Mary did. But I got to OK it)
Successful first attempt at braised short ribs
Accumulation of new sheet music for the piano!
Much pondering over how to use my accumulated air miles that I got thanks to accumulated visa debt – upcoming trip to Mexico City for poetry festival or some future dream trip to Japan. Pondering is not exactly accomplishing but it is productive (?)
Love and dating
A very great show at the In the Dead of Winter Music Festival with a drummer and a slew of new songs, vulnerable and raw for my hometown crowd
Safe bicycle riding in the snow
Random speaking engagements booked for months down the road

That is the kind of week I’m having
Well, there’s other things, too.
Things like secrets. Also, lustful things, private things. Things you might want to hear but I’m not going to type them today.
Also, I have done a lot of thinking.
And I made myself sit at my desk many times, though my feet twitched and my knees bumped together and my cat reeaaaally wanted me to get up.
And I watched some Halifax poets perform, their hearts exposed through personal words in a bar on a stage for acquaintances and strangers.
I also finally spent that gift certificate I was given for the big Indigo Book store, speaking of acquaintances.

On sunday I was on a date in a cafe.
The people at the next table were familiar faces, we struck up a conversation, soon we were making arrangements for shared transportation
‘Let’s go spend our gift cards!’
So, I spent a few hours at the mall and came home with a few books and two new friends.
Now, THAT is the kind of productivity I feel good about.

Coming soon: I learn how to post new pictures and poems on my website
Also, news of winter/spring touring to other countries!

I hope you see something gorgeous today
there is always something gorgeous





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